
Professional Website Developer

  • Rivers
  • Member since July 21, 2023
  • No Reviews


(per hour)
  • 00 ongoing Projects
  • 00 Completed Projects
  • 00 Services in Queue
  • 00 Competed Services

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I am a highly motivated and experienced PHP web developer, with a passion for creating high-quality, user-friendly websites and web applications. I specialize in developing responsive web applications using modern frameworks and technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, PHP, and MySQL. I am also experienced in developing custom CMS systems and integrating them with third-party APIs. I am committed to working collaboratively with clients to deliver the best possible results.  
  • Android App Developer
  • Web Developer (Html, CSS, JS, PHP)
  • Social Accounts Manager
  • Graphics Designer
  • Estate Manager


Web Developer

  • GreyStackWeb

I recently completed a number of web development projects for clients ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. My job includes creating custom websites, integrating third-party services and applications, and developing mobile-friendly interfaces. All of my projects are built using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. I also implemented various security measures to ensure the safety and privacy of my clients' data. I'm proud of the projects I have completed and look forward to more opportunities to show off my web design skills.

Educational Details

Estate Management

  • Ken Poly

Before gaining admission into the higher institution, I have already trained myself in the tech industry, learning website development, Cyber Security and other tech related programs... Now Holds an HND Certificate in Estate Management & Valuation.

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