Augustine O Ndueme

Art & Craft Designs For Your Homes

  • Rivers
  • Member since July 22, 2023
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I am a very talented and creative artist, I use woods, plastic, glass, paints and some other types materials, to make and creative heart desiring designs of any kind and form, I can also make office logo designs with wood or plastics, also on cloth and walls, am detailed in arts of work and designs and also open to more ideas of designs, I do my very best to bring beauty in my work of art.


Art & Craft

  • Auxme Concepts

Art work designs for your home, office, hotel, company etc decorations purpose. Creativity is a special gift from God and also your input to learning, developing and upgrading your skills, I have come very far in this work of art with the ideas I got from my technical school and also working with great arts films and mentors that help me to work more and develope in my creative art, films like, Wiznik Graphics, fineArt studio etc, and keep learning everyday for more new idea, because I know the world keeps revolutionalizing, so I learn to continue to be in touch with the new age of art.

Educational Details

Painting & Decoration

  • Government Craft Development Center

I have acquired some of my knowledge in art from my technical schools day, was pursuing for admission on computer science before I left Nigeria to Senegal to learn and gain more idea from a new ground, learning about arts and other practical skills.

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