Web Developer at Wild Fusion

  • August 15, 2023
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Location: Lagos

Job Type: Full-time

Job Description

We are looking for a skilled web developer who will be responsible for developing and/or designing websites for our company. You will be working alongside a team of other developers in creating, maintaining, and updating our websites.


  • Website and software application designing, building, or maintaining.
  • Using scripting or authoring languages, management tools, content creation tools, applications, and digital media.
  • Conferring with teams to resolve conflicts, prioritize needs, develop content criteria, or choose solutions.
  • Directing or performing Website updates.
  • Developing or validating test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types.
  • Editing, writing, or designing Website content, and directing team members who produce content.
  • Maintaining an understanding of the latest Web applications and programming practices through education, study, and participation in conferences, workshops, and groups.
  • Back up files from Web sites to local directories for recovery.
  • Identifying problems uncovered by customer feedback and testing, and correcting or referring problems to appropriate personnel for correction.
  • Evaluating code to ensure it meets industry standards, is valid, is properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems.
  • Determining user needs by analyzing technical requirements.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Web development or related field, or relevant experience.
  • Solid knowledge and experience in programming applications.
  • Proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
  • Proficient in My SQL.
  • Main strength is Word-press

Additional Information

This job is perfect for you if you;
– Are detail oriented, highly organized and analytical
– Have excellent programming skills and a passion for developing applications or improving existing one

What is in it for you?
You’ll work on solutions to complex, real-world challenges with tangible social and economic
impact. You will receive competitive compensation and professional development, and you will
work with highly intelligent teammates in a flat, performance-driven culture.


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